Frequently Asked Questions

  1. I am worried that my horse will not accept the WACKARO® machine. What do you suggest?

The WACKARO® is built to be a silent tool, however, some horses might need some desensitisation first. If you are worried about whether or not your horse will accept it, reach out to our customer service to book an appointment and test the machine prior to purchase. If your horse is happy being clipped, then the WACKARO® is a less invasive sensation.  

  1. How much time do horses need to get used to the sound of the WACKARO®? 

This differs across individuals. Some horses accept it right away, other horses need a few attempts on a lower setting before they get fully relaxed. 

  1. What is the best way to get my horse used to the WACKARO®?

Start grooming your horse with the WACKARO® being turned off. Offer your horse some treats so that he associates the product with positive experiences. 

Turn on the WACKARO® at a distance while grooming your horse with a regular brush. This will help your horse get used to the sound of the product. 

Once your horse is happy and relaxed, start to massage his shoulder area with the product turned on. This is where most horses enjoy being groomed and massaged. 

  1. How do I switch between the heads? 

The heads are connected to the machine via a strong magnet. You can simply attach a head by placing it over the magnet. To remove it, a firm pull will suffice. 

  1. How long does the battery last without a charge?

Usually 5 hours, although this depends also on which strength level you are using the machine. If you are storing the machine for a longer period of time without turning it on, we recommend you to charge it at least once a month for a longer battery life. 

  1. What does the box include?

The box includes 1 machine, 3 heads, 2 wrist straps and 1 bag for storage. 

  1. Do you have a product guarantee?

Yes, 2 years from the date of purchase. 

  1. What do I do if I loose the charging cable or if I am experiencing an issue with the product?

Please contact our customer service. Our team will do their best to resolve the issue. 

  1. Is the WACKARO® product safe to use on my horse?

The product was developed with the help of renowned veterinarians. The massage head was designed to mimic the soft hand movements of manualtherapy, this way, you can not cause pain or harm with the use of the WACKARO®, if you use it as intended. Make sure, however, that you avoid the bony areas, including the spine of the horse. 

  1. How frequently do you suggest I should use WACKARO® on my horse?

The WACKARO® was built for everyday use. It improves circulation, helps to warm up the muscles prior to work, alleviates muscle pain and muscle tension caused by intense workload, helps to loosen the myofascia (fascia surrounding the muscles). Thanks to its relaxing effect, it also helps to mentally prepare your horse for work and also can be part of the cool-down process after riding. Grooming and massage sessions with the WACKARO® can help strengthen the bond between you and your horse. Due to all these positive benefits the product offers, we encourage you to use it on a daily basis. 

  1. How do I clean the WACKARO®?

You can rinse the heads with tap water. The external part of the machine should be cleaned carefully with a wet towel cloth or sponge.  

  1. Where do I apply WACKARO® on my horse? 

Please have a look at our videos here and read our HOW TO page.